Friday 19 October 2012

Day 14: Sharm – Dahab: Mosquito Wars
Crikey it’s hot. Getting up about eight, it must be about 32c already. Oppressive.

I’m pretty much through my holiday tum, but poor old Rob is just bedding in for the long hall. Dahab is about 50 miles away, so, with a few visits to the restroom, we get on our way. It’s a really enjoyable ride, the barrenness is striking. Just harsh dry mountains and the occasional group of houses. When you get these groupings, there’re about two or three brick built huts. And they’re in the middle of desert landscape. What do these people do? Farm sand? There’s nothing here apart from a road and sand!
When we get into Dahab, it’s immediately clear we should have come here rather than Sharm el Sheik. Sharm is a bit like a Spanish resort, in the type of people that go there and it’s general setup. It’s not really our scene. Getting to Dahab though is cool, it’s much smaller, more relaxed, better restaurants, better diving? There’s even a really cool wreck dive to do here, a ship carrying loads of tanks and motorcycles. But I think the only thing I’ll be doing is a bit of snorkelling.
On a more pleasant note, when we did make it to our hotel, Rob immediately spends about 20 minutes in the bathroom....
And, our buddies Abi and Gerry are here, cool as!
On the funside, Rob and I spend two hours killing mosquitoes. It’s like a computer game. We’ve retreated to our room, a killing zone. Once they come in, they’ll never leave. Initially there’s about four, we get through them pretty easily, but then they start coming in waves, waves of two fortunately, but they are relentless. Our weapon of choice is a folded towel, it can be used in one of two ways. One, to swat them from a range of half a meter, the other to flap around our own legs and body to deter them. I’m sure they went to the same training academy as Jason Bourne...

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