Saturday 24 November 2012

Day 49: Moshi – Morogoro

What to say about today? Well, in reality, we’ve got 1500 miles to cover in nine days to meet my friend in Lusaka. Whilst not insurmountable or a massive challenge, it’s still a lot of miles to cover in Africa, on a battle scared bike. So we’d best start early.
By 0800 I’m on the road, and as if the sky has been asleep too, there’s Kilimanjaro in all it’s glory. I must admit, I preferred the mystique of having part of the mountain hidden by cloud, but half an hour later it is. The sky seemingly having risen and taken on it’s old foe.
Safety is always my number one priority when riding, everything else follows. But here, with the warning from Christophe ringing in my ears, I’m being extra vigilant. But to be honest, it hasn’t proven to be any more difficult/dangerous than any other African country. But still, stay focused. Especially as I had one of the worst night’s sleep ever, maybe three hours in total. But Tanzania is a pleasant travel partner. Whilst not having the mountain roads and outright beauty of Ethiopia, it is still very beautiful, with plains and small mountain ranges. But what clinches it, is the people. Happy to help without constantly wanting cash. So far on this trip, the majority of the time when people approach you, they want money. So I’m pretty much like a closed book to approaches from people, but the locals I’ve met so far have all seemed genuine with no hidden agenda.
Late morning I stop for fuel, and notice one of the luggage bolts is loose. Trying to tighten it, it isn’t loose, it’s sheered. Like the other side. Generously the petrol pump attendant takes me to a mechanic, and before long we’re drilling out the other side of K-Dog’s frame. I’m a bit concerned, because there is quite a crowd gathering  to watch the sweaty white guy drilling his bike, and in Ethiopia this went missing from people’s bikes very quickly. Within the hour, I’m back on the road, and with all my tools. Thanks random mechanic guy!
I managed to pick up my third (only second I’ve paid though) speeding ticket. And bearing in mind I was going to fast to stop in time for the officer, it was a fair cop! Although, they said the fine was 60,000TSH (approx £30). I’ve got a wad of cash, I pull it out of my pocket and count out the 60k. With the cash in my hand, I ask for a receipt, and the long and short of it is that the cop said, ‘OK, no receipt, 30k TSH’. Sweet, no argument from me, but have I just helped aid corruption!? Hmm..
We finish up on about 350 miles, which is good as we need to average 140-180 per day. And we’ll have a border crossing soon which will need some consideration.
More miles tomorrow peeps!

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